One of the drawbacks to the UI as Word 2010 is installed is to create a new blank document it takes 4 clicks, that''s about 3 too many in my humble opinion.
The Quick Access toolbar is at Word''s top left corner and looks like this
The first button really isn''t on the Quick Access toolbar, it is the default window placement icon. The next Icon is Save, and looks like the old three and a half inch floppy disks, which weren''t floppy at all. Following that is Undo
it has a drop down
which will display the history of changes. Following that is Redo,
which is the opposite of undo.
The last icon is the one we want the Customize Quick Access Toolbar.
Click that Icon, and select "New" from the list.
and the Quick Access toolbar will update to include the New File Icon.
Quickly I felt the need to position the new Icon. I would like the open new blank file icon to be on the left side of the icons. Click on the Customize Quick Access Toolbar again, and select the More Commands item.
On the right side of the opening window is the items in our Quick Access toolbar
Select the New item
in the the list in the right window. Then use the up / down buttons
on the right side to position it where you want it.
Here we have moved it to the top,
Click OK and the Quick Access toolbar will display the newly arraigned items.
You can add the 10 or so items quickly from the Configuration window
Or select More Commands to pick from the entire tool set of Word.
This same methodology works in Excel, Outlook or other Office 2010 applications.